Pingshian Yu



Software Engineer

Over 3 years experience in Python development.
Over 2 years experience in Django web framework development.

  • Name: Pingshian Yu
  • Birth: 1992/1
  • Specialize: Python, Django, JS, Vue
  • City: Taipei, Taiwan


  • Backend
    • Django, Flask
    • FastAPI, Django-restframework
  • Frontend
    • HTML, CSS, JS, JQuery, Bootstrap
    • Vue.js

  • Docker
  • Git Flow
  • Nginx
  • Ubuntu

  • AWS
  • Linode

  • airlines, hotels, rail APIs
  • cwa weather opendata
  • linebot
  • notion

  • Figma
  • Postman
  • Pycharm, Vim, VS Code

  • Data Process: Pandas, Numpy, Openpyxl
  • Web Crawler: Selenium, BeautifulSoup


- Actively pursued learning opportunities in DevOps, Design Patterns, and System Design, fostering continuous skill development.
- Engaged in daily code refactoring and proactive log management, providing support to team members when necessary.
- Leveraged async web crawlers to streamline the synchronization of products from partner websites, enhancing efficiency.
- Dedicated to maintaining accurate test cases for the development of web applications, ensuring code reliability.
- Collaborated effectively with cross-functional departments to design and develop essential systems.


2011 - 2017

Bachelor of Social Work, National Taiwan University (NTU)


Software Engineer

Richmond Tours • September 2021 - Present

  1. Designed and developed the company's official website using Django and FastAPI Python web frameworks.
  2. Established API connections, employing both synchronous and asynchronous methods to optimize data retrieval and processing.
  3. Managed log collections, proactively resolved issues, fixed bugs, and enhanced features to ensure the website's seamless operation.
  4. Committed to writing comprehensive technical documents, documenting system architecture, codebase, and other critical aspects of the project for reference and future development.

(temp worker) Software Testing Engineer

MediaTek • February 2021 - June 2021

  1. Proficiently developed testing software and specialized tools to enhance quality assurance processes.
  2. Conducted thorough analysis of test cases, producing comprehensive test reports for evaluation and decision-making.
  3. Demonstrated proficiency in writing technical documents, ensuring clear and concise documentation of project details and specifications.


The Mustard Seed Mission • December 2019 - February 2021

  1. Utilized SQL to extract data from multiple departments' databases.
  2. Employed Python's pandas library to develop efficient report generation scripts.
  3. Gathered and documented requirements from various departments and communicated them to partner companies, actively monitoring the progress of development.
  4. Facilitated the integration of new systems, provided support for user issues, and optimized daily operational procedures.


  • All
  • LineBot
  • Web



GPT Chatbot







LeetCode Weekly Contest 369 第 2 題 2918. Minimum Equal Sum of Two Arrays After Replacing Zeros

# 題目敘述:

給兩個含有正整數的陣列 nums1, nums2,要求把所有 0 用正整數取代,如果取代後兩個陣列總和無法相等,就回傳 -1;如果可以,就回傳最小的總和。

# 想法:

回傳 -1 的條件是其中一個陣列的和 + 0 的數量大於另一個陣列的和,且另一個陣列沒有 0。原因是題目要求把 0 用正整數取代,所以至少要把 0 都用 1 取代,則第一個陣列的和會變成 total1 + zeros,如果這個和比另一個陣列的和大,那兩者就沒有機會相等了。
由題目的 sample 1 可以知道,結果是由 total 比較大的陣列決定的 (nums2 = [6,5,0]) ,所以可以把題目簡化成 找兩個陣列中 total + zeros 大的。

# 上code:
class Solution:
def minSum(self, nums1: List[int], nums2: List[int]) -> int:
total1, total2 = sum(nums1), sum(nums2)
zero_1, zero_2 = nums1.count(0), nums2.count(0)

if ((total1 + zero_1 > total2 and zero_2 == 0)
or (total2 + zero_2 > total1 and zero_1 == 0)
return -1

return max(total2+zero_2, total1+zero_1)

LeetCode Weekly Contest 368 第1, 2 題 Minimum Sum of Mountain Triplets

給一個正整數陣列求最小 (i, j, k) 的和,(i, j, k) 須滿足以下兩個條件:
1. i < j < k
2. nums[i] < nums[j] and nums[k] < nums[j]
第一題的編號是 2908,直接依照題目給的條件寫三層迴圈就能通過了。時間複雜度 O(n³)。

第二題 nums.length 10⁵ 這樣寫會TLE,要用 Prefix Min 的做法,時間複雜度 O(n)。

因為 i < j < k,就是整個數列依序取三個數出來,假設有一個解是 (l, pivot, r),分別在 2, 5, 8 的位置:

如果 (l, pivot, r) 要是最小,l 一定要是 pivot 之前所有數中最小的,r 也是一樣,會是 pivot 之後的所有數中最小的那個。然後再從 i = 0 開始找有最小值的 pivot 就可以了。

min_l 是 pivot 左邊的最小值陣列,min_r 是 pivot 右邊的最小值陣列,min_l[i] 代表到第 i 個為止最左邊的值,min_r[i] 代表從右邊數回來第 i 個為止最小的值。找法是 nums[0] 和 nums[len(nums)-1] 分別是 min_l 和 min_r 的最小值,接著每個 nums[i] 都跟 min_l[i-1] 和 min_r[i+1] 比哪個比較小,比較小的那個就是 min_l 或 min_r [i] 的值。

做完這兩個陣列之後再遍歷一次 nums 找符合題目要的 mountain triplets 最小值就行了。

aiohttp + FastAPI + BeautifulSoup 測試

Photo by Hitesh Choudhary on Unsplash

background: 平常網路上搜尋到的爬蟲(加上自己常常寫的)都是在 local 直接跑,本來如果使用 requests + BeautifulSoup 放上去 FastAPI 也能跑的很正常,但就是……慢、慢、還是慢……

有找到一些資料,像是 FastAPI-aiohttp-example,但看了很久還是不太懂,而且還有使用 aioresponses 來 mock/fake web requests in python aiohttp package ,以及 的 Coroutine 抽象class,完全看不懂啊啊啊啊啊啊啊… 所以不才小弟我想寫個簡單例子方便理解😂 順便做做實驗XD

Notion API with FastAPI (Releasing Daily Leetcode Problem Page’s Public Link)

Recently, I joined a Discord server that encourages its members to solve a LeetCode problem every day, though participation isn’t mandatory. While I don’t manage to solve one every single day, I make it a point to do so on weekdays. However, I encountered some difficulty when it came to copying and pasting the public URLs of Notion pages from a database into the Discord server. I thought it was a trivial task. To simplify this process, I decided to create a Notion API connection with a Linebot that can automatically provide me with the Notion page public link.



Taipei, Taiwan


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